Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mother's don't let your babies grow up to be...

Weight lifters! Scott only did two runs of Giant Slalom today because his left knee was hurting. Nothing new, it happens if he doesn't make an effort to warm up the leg. Why? Well, three years ago at Panorama, BC he went to the weight room with his cohort, Peter Hoffman. Some older racers were there working out, so Scott felt the need to "compete" as it were. He proudly came back to the room telling all the things he did, including leg extensions. I never recommend those to anyone due to the chance of injury. Anyway, both knees hurt that entire season. He has been slowly recovering from the abuse, the right knee is fine, but the left needs a little extra attention each morning.

Great dinner conversations tonight with Michel and Matt. Amazing the prespectives they bring to the sport with their experience at every level including the World Cup. Politics, personalities, training and management concepts -- I'm soaking it all up.

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