Monday, December 7, 2009


The 2009-10 season is officially under way for Scott. Today was the first timed training run for the Lake Louise NORAM downhills. Weather was the big story here as athletes contended with minus 35F temperatures and the accompanying "grabby" snow. Top speeds barely passed 70 MPH and the longest jump was limited to about 50 meters.

The field this year is somewhat unusual for a NORAM. Due to the lack of snow in Europe a number of World Cup and Europa Cup racers stayed over for this race. Additionally, the US team is here in force with about twenty athletes. Add a similar mix from the Canadian team, and we're thinking the points should be pretty good come race day.

Scott skied well and finished where he started, 38th. This being his first time on the track, he had some timing and orientation issues which slowed him down. He also had a major goggle fogging/icing issue which imaired his vision. That said, his jumps were rock solid and the turns were skied well. I look for a good jump up the standings during tomorrow's practice run.

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